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Jim Krenz Bio

Jim has been interested in magic ever since he received the proverbial magic set at age five. He has had the pleasure of studying with Slydini, Ed Marlo, Eugene Burger, Jim Ryan, Tony Andruzzi, & Juan Tamariz. He has worked for Jay Marshall at Magic, Inc. for over thirteen years, demonstrating magic for customers, and typesetting the various books and catalogs that the store publishes.

Jim has released four effects to the magic community. They include: Banking Facilities (A trick deck with six routines); Bill Through Coin (A penetration of a dollar bill through any borrowed coin); Quid Pro Quo (A card effect with a surprise climax); and NeoMix (An original Oil & Water effect with a shockingly new ending). His forthcoming releases include: Imago; Well-Suited; and Invisible Triumph (an effect with which he flabbergasted the informed group at the F.F.F.F. convention). Recently, Jim has gained quite a lot of notoriety with his routines and improvements for the John Cornelius' "Pen Through Anything."

Jim currently performs at private parties, and other social events. He can be seen on Friday nights at the famous Schuliens restaurant in Chicago, where he presents close-up miracles for the cliental.
He has won several local close-up contests in Chicago. He has lectured for magicians all over the United States, as well as in Spain and Italy. His lecture for the exclusive Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolics in 1993 earned him the elite "Outstanding Attendee" award.

Jim is a regular participant in Las Journadas de el Escorial in Spain. This is a gathering of magicians who, once a year, discuss and analyze a particular effect (or author) in magic. Some of the attendees include Ascanio, Bernard Bilis, Magic Christian, Roberto Giobbi and Juan Tamariz.

Jim constantly strives to come up with more deceptive methods for clear, simple effects. His love is cards, but he also works with coins, rope, and cups & balls.

Above all else, Jim regrets wasting the first four years of his life, by not studying magic until he was five years old.

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